Had a nice Sage Grouse Hawking Trip to the deserts of Idaho for a few days with Gon Sanchez and his boys and me and my boys and Hubert Quade for a couple of the days. Killed some Grouse in nice style and had a ball being out where nobody hawks Grouse without the transportation we have! It was very nice. Grouse were abundant and in good shape, as usual, but The Gyr killed one and Dakota, the Peregrine did too. Hub's Gyr killed and so did his Passage Tundra Peregrine, (beach bird). Great Trip!
Izzy is a passage prairie falcon. She has been my dad's game hawk for six years and was successful at killing wild grouse, ducks, pheasants, and partridge. But four years ago my dad started breeding her. We bread her with a gyr falcon and got Prairie/gyrs. That's how we got Verdugo. But a year ago my dad gave her to another falcon breeder. But we are really enjoying her son, Verdugo.
Verdugo was a Gyr/Prairie hybrid. He was the son of Izzy. We had him for about a year and 3 months. He is a good flier and he killed the first grouse that we showed him. He killed his first wild duck a couple of days after that. He really showed potential to be a high flying, fine tuned, game hawk. We really enjoyed watching him fly.
Dakota is a peregrine falcon. He has been my dad's bird for six years! We got her as a baby from another falconer. She was raised by an adult peregrine at an artificial nest site. But one day she flew away, when she was a youngster, and we didn't see her until seven months later when a falconer down in utah trapped her on accident. There was a tracking number on her federal I.D band so he contacted us and we got her back. She is a great bird and rarely misses ducks. She has trouble catching sharptail grouse. But overall she is a great bird!
Rush is a Gyrfalcon. We trapped her in South Dakota in January of 2008. We are in our third season with her now and she is quite the lazy Gyrfalcon. Gyrs tend to be very smart and they only do what they want to do. It can be a long, tedious process to shape their behavior to be compatible with Falconry. She is coming along though and can take any falconry quarry with relative ease.